ponedjeljak, 9. listopada 2017.

A lightweight roof that collects solar energy, vehicles without drivers and flying cars - these are just some of the innovations you might see on the road in the near future.

The Future of Electric Mobility
Without a doubt, electric cars will play a leading role in the near future: it's no coincidence that almost all major car makers have already produced their own electric, or at least, hybrid cars. Daimler, in co-operation with the chemical company BASF, made a big step forward with a smart forvision car, a zero emission vehicle with a wide range of innovative solutions. Futuristic design hides many revolutionary technologies, most of which is based on nanotechnology. The exceptionally lightweight composite materials used in a unique design have proven toughness and good working properties for continuous use and significantly reduce weight while ensuring the same safety measure.

Solar (energy) roof
One of the revolutionary innovations in the car smart forvision is a lightweight, energy-generating roof made of hexagonal surfaces: the entire surface of the roof is covered with transparent solar cells. Cells are based on organic light-sensitive pigments that are embedded in a composite roof, and transparent cellular pigments are activated in contact with light. Even in dim light and low light conditions, the cells generate enough energy to power the multimedia components and three fans involved in air conditioning inside the vehicle.

And that's not all! Below the solar cells, transparent organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) illuminate the interior of the car when the door is open or when the button is pressed. If they are off, they provide a clear view of the outside of the car. This gives the effect of the glass roof throughout the day, and the space is comfortably illuminated at night without any blur.

Innovative components

However, you do not have to say hello to gasoline cars forever - you just have to use a wide range of special parts that will make them more efficient, energy-saving and less environmentally-friendly. BASF continuously focuses on the development of products that support sustainable urban mobility. One of BASF's innovations is the ecological catalyst in which a multi-stage chemical reaction occurs during the work. During this process, the three key emission system components (hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide) are almost completely transformed into carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water.

The chemical company has also devoted itself to other challenges in the field of electric cars and develops batteries that will ensure a longer drive. BASF is primarily developing a portfolio of specialized cathodic materials used in lithium-ion batteries. The company's goal is to design solutions for an energy source that will provide double or even five times better working capability than traditional batteries.

A car that just drives
Whoever saw David Hasselhoff in the series Knight Rider and his high-tech automated car talking, KITT, can imagine how our cars will serve us in the future: they may be filling themselves with gasoline, and after they drop us off at the desired location, maybe will go to find a parking lot or repair service. Well, maybe not that distant future, because self-styled prototypes have already been introduced in Germany and America.

Such a modified Toyota Prius with modifications made by Google. The system built into the car, programmed with a QR code that can be used on the phone, tracks the desired route with the help of the GPS system and Google Maps and drives alone, without human intervention, using the auto parking system, automatic speed control system and a wide range additional electronic equipment. A car without a driver is full of special telemetry devices based on laser technology, cameras and radar that provide a complete picture of the environment.

The same concept is based on an independent taxi operated in Germany. An intelligent car called MIG can be activated by a simple phone call. After the call, the car recognizes the exact location of the caller and plans the fastest route to the GPS system. It then notifies the caller of the estimated time of arrival.

Flying car
You will not have to wait a long time waiting for you with a driver's license and a personal pilot's license when you go to work: things have been approved to release the first lightweight airplane that will soon start production.

Source: Terrafugia

The transition from Terrafugia turns from a regular car to a lightweight two-seater aircraft. With a full tank, the car has a speed of 644 km and achieves a cruising speed of 185 km / h. The airplane needs a 500m track to fly and its load capacity is about 200kg.

Aircraft is extremely easy to operate. In addition, to become a pilot, you only have to fly 20 hours, which can multiply the number of potential customers. At least those who can afford such a car that will cost $ 200,000 in retail

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